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After over 20 years of catering to our clients’ needs, we’ve developed this special 4-step granite installation process:

1. Estimating and Choosing Your Granite

Bring a rough sketch of your kitchen to our facility.  Or take pictures of your kitchen and send it to us via email, text, or WhatsApp.  With either your sketch or pictures, we’ll calculate the square footage of your project.  We’ll use that measurement to estimate the price of your countertop project.

When you visit your facility, you will see large slabs of granites, quartz, marble, quartzites, dolomites, and soapstone. This means you can pick your stone and your color from a true representation of the stone, rather than a small sample.

2. Measuring Your Granite Countertops

We send our own Measure Technician (also called a Templator) to your home to digitally measure your countertops. At this point, you’ll make a small, refundable deposit to hold your stone and schedule a template date.

You may have questions that can only be answered in your home. We’ll send our experienced Measure Technician to do a Quote Measure and answer any of your questions.

After the Quote Measure, you’ll come back to our showroom to pick your stone and get the final price from one of our Countertop Designers.

3. Approval Process (Layout)

You’ll love this step. This is where you come to our showroom to pick the best areas of the stone for specific parts of the kitchen.  This means you can see exactly where the granite veins and spots will go in your kitchen or bathroom.

4. Installation

We send our professional installers to install your granite countertops. This happens about 1 week after the Approval Process. We only hire quality people and train them to be the best installers in the industry.  Remember, there are no middlemen when you come to Granite America.

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